Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lehi Days and Dance performance

The big tradition around her is the Lehi City Days. It runs all week and there are different activities all week. One of the big ones I love is the baby contest. I love to show off my kids even if they are grumpy butts that won't even look at the judges. I told Kori to come up and bring Tatum cause she is full of personality and I knew she would win. Well as expected she did! Kyson would not even make eye contact so I did not expect him to win. But it is still a lot of fun.

Kyson after the contest. Isn't he handsome

Cute little Tatum. Of course that sweet face and crazy personality would win! Way to go Tatum

The next fun part of the week is the parade. The kids always look forward to the parade. They get lots of candy and of course there are always great floats but the best part is by far the Marshmellow guns that Mom takes every year. We did however get in trouble with them this year and were told we had to put them away.

Tatum on the Float in Fridays Parade. She was so tired. It was a very long day for her

Kyson watching the parade and waving

Kennidee and Gracey on the Ward float

Dawson on the back of the float

Kennidee coming to sit with us after the float was done

The last thing they do with the Lehi Round up Days is they have a big wahoo at the park on Saturday. They do performances, Crafts, Food, Crafts and all sorts of fun things for the kids to do. This year Kenidee got to perform with Showcase USA. It was so fun watching her out there even though it was super hot!

So much fun. I love living in Lehi. It is getting pretty big but still has that small town feel.

0 Wise Cracks: