So the blog has still been very neglected, we promise to catch up on it at some point!
But for those who don't know.... we are moving to Lubbock TX. I (Jason) have accepted an amazing offer with Cash Register Services. I will be the Director of Core Business Systems and Accounting.
I start on January 5th, working 2 weeks in Lubbock then home for a week.
Kacy and the kids will be moving down in June once school is out.
So stay tuned of exciting updates as we hopefully start building a home and prepare to move to Texas!
In the mean time, if you are not our friends on facebook, you can see more current updates of what we're up to on there. Find us at or
Happy Holidays to everyone!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Yes it's true... we're moving
Posted by Jason at 9:59 AM 0 Wise Cracks
Friday, November 27, 2009
Ya'all Come back now ya hear!!!
Okay so most of you know that for the last 5 years Jason has been traveling for work. His position was a software consultant for Digital Gateway and his job was to train and do conversions for their clients who purchased the E-automate software that Digital Gateway designed. Well there have been several times in the five years where customers have wanted Jason to come and work for them. A few years ago we actually had flown down to Arizona to check out a possible job offer. We never felt good about working there and decided that it was not for us.
In July of last year Jason had flown out to Lubbock for 10 days to do some training for a company out there and then in October they had him out again. Well during that time I received a text message from Jason's phone that said "This is Brad, are you ready to move to Texas?" I just kind of laughed and called Jason and apparently he and Brad had been discussing a possible job opportunity. I just told Jason to tell Brad to make it worth our while. Well I didn't think much of it after that and then a few weeks later we were scheduling flights out to Lubbock to check things out. Brad had picked us up at the airport and gave us a car to use. They put us up in a hotel for a few days. The night we got there we went to dinner with Brad and his wife and one of the other owners with his wife as well. While we were there the kids and I were introduced to all the employees of CRS and met with a realtor and were looking at properties. It was crazy and I was nervous as heck about this. The day we were getting ready to leave we had taken the kids to a park and while we were sitting there I just knew this was what we were suppose to do. I knew that for one reason or another the Lord wanted us in Texas. So after returning back to Utah an offer came in and then the fun of counter offering and accepting began. Within a week or so it was final. After lots of prayers and negotiating we made the decision that this was what we were suppose to do. Now for the fun of finding a house and making the big move
Posted by Kacy at 12:48 AM 0 Wise Cracks
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Blog vacation apparently
To those who are wondering what has happened to our blog... Kacy has been very busy with photography and editing her pictures, she's also had some amazing projects going on at the house... she painted a red accent wall in our bedroom, and then with the help of our brother in law Shea, she has tiled the bathroom and put in a new toilet. I'm very impressed! So we'll get back to blogging once things slow down. Dawson is in Baseball right now, then Soccer then Flag Football... and there's a game called Farm Town which is taking up lots of time for many people right now! LOL.
At some point we will update the blog with stuff from Taylor Swift and Hawaii and the projects. Plus Kennidee has turned 5 and Kyson has turned 2. Crazy how time flies!
In the mean time, I just want Kacy to know how much I love her! Next month we celebrate our 6 year anniversary. I have something very cool planned for the weekend of August 21/22!
I love you more and more with each day, week, month and year Kacy!
Posted by Jason at 9:54 AM 2 Wise Cracks
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Lehi Days and Dance performance
Kyson after the contest. Isn't he handsome
Cute little Tatum. Of course that sweet face and crazy personality would win! Way to go Tatum
The next fun part of the week is the parade. The kids always look forward to the parade. They get lots of candy and of course there are always great floats but the best part is by far the Marshmellow guns that Mom takes every year. We did however get in trouble with them this year and were told we had to put them away. Tatum on the Float in Fridays Parade. She was so tired. It was a very long day for her
Kyson watching the parade and waving
Kennidee and Gracey on the Ward float
Dawson on the back of the float
Kennidee coming to sit with us after the float was done
The last thing they do with the Lehi Round up Days is they have a big wahoo at the park on Saturday. They do performances, Crafts, Food, Crafts and all sorts of fun things for the kids to do. This year Kenidee got to perform with Showcase USA. It was so fun watching her out there even though it was super hot!
So much fun. I love living in Lehi. It is getting pretty big but still has that small town feel.
Posted by Kacy at 11:44 PM 0 Wise Cracks
Friday, June 26, 2009
Congrats to Niki and Paul on their beautiful little girl!
While we were in Hawaii on June 16 my Best friend Niki gave birth to her beautiful baby Girl Lydia Anne Sparks. She is such a beautiful little girl. Niki has two little boys and definitely needed a princess in her family. I can say she was well worth the wait. Congrats Niki and Paul on the beautiful little girl. I was lucky enough to take her first pictures. What a doll she is!
Posted by Kacy at 11:36 PM 0 Wise Cracks
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Surprise for Our Princess
So Jason and I decided that we were going to surprise Kennidee with tickets to her favorite singer of all time. TAYLOR SWIFT! She absolutely loves her. She knows most of her songs word for word. When we heard the tickets were going on sale we could not pass up this chance. However we did not tell her. So the day of the concert we headed up to The Energy Solutions Center for the "Big Surprise" When we got there the big bus with Taylor Swift on the side was there and we stood her next to it to take pictures and then told her it was time to go home. She was just like "Okay." She had no clue what to even expect for her big surprise. So finally we gave her the ticket and walked in the Concert. She was so stinking excited when she realized what was going on. She had so much fun. She was dancing and singing with the songs. I love being a parent and putting a smile on my children's faces. Yeah going to concerts are a little extreme when she is not even quite 5 but she will remember this concert forever. Kori and her girls also came with us. After the concert we went around back to get autographs when she came out but unfortunately we were unable to get them. We did get a picture with one of her dancers and she did wave from her bus as she exited the property. Besides the surprise for Kennidee it was one of the best concerts I have ever been too. Taylor is a great performer and worth every penny that we spent on tickets! Kennidee and her Golden Tickets
Kennidee with Shyanne and Sierra
Jason, Kennidee and I
Kennidee and one of the dancers for Taylor Swift
Kennidee enjoying the concert Taylor waving from her bus
Posted by Kacy at 11:22 PM 0 Wise Cracks
Friday, May 22, 2009
Kennidee Preschool Graduation
Kennidee had her preschool graduation. I can't believe my baby is going to start Kindergarten in the fall. They definitely grow up way too fast. Her preschool did a super cute little program for us. I just loved watching her. She is so shy and it is definitely out of her element. But she did great. Mrs. Jensen was such a great teacher and I think I am just as sad to leave her as Kennidee was. Kennidee and Mrs. Jensen
Kennidee and Mrs. Lancaster
Kennidee and Mommy
Kennidee and Grandma Lourenco
Kennidee with Mom and Dad with Kyson
Daddy and his little princess
Posted by Kacy at 12:22 AM 0 Wise Cracks
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Kennidee Spring Dance Recital
Kennidee had her second dance recital of the year. She had so much fun in dance this year and she improved so much from the first recital to this one. We just love her and I love having a girl to do all the fun girly stuff with. She danced to Rockin Robin and Rock and Roll is here to stay.
Posted by Kacy at 12:07 AM 0 Wise Cracks
Monday, May 18, 2009
Mother/Son Campout
This year our ward decided to change things up a big and rather then a Father/son campout and Mother/daughter they swapped it. So on May 16 Dawson and I headed out to the camping spot with our tent, games and munchies in the car. We had such a great time. I love spending time with Dawson. He is such a sweet boy. So we had dinner and then we sat around with some of the boys and played cards. I taught them Skip bo. I was so glad the weather cooperated and that we didn't freeze our butts off. I will always cherish the times I get to spend one on one with my kids. I forgot my camera but thanks to Jamie we at least got one picture.
Posted by Kacy at 11:30 PM 0 Wise Cracks
On May 2nd Jason and I were lucky enough to go and see Wicked at Capitol Theater. We had purchased tickets on a presale several months back. Before we went we had dinner at Texas Roadhouse for dinner. YUMMY! We went with sister Steph and my Niece Kylee. All I can say is WOW! This was seriously amazing. I had heard nothing about it so really didn't have any expectations. I am also not a huge Wizard of Oz fan. It was such a fun night and I highly recommend seeing this show if you ever have the chance. Of all of the Broadways we have seen this is by far my favorite.
Posted by Kacy at 10:57 PM 6 Wise Cracks
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I have been the worst slacker and have been so busy therefore resulting in my blog suffering. So I will be back dating a few posts. So in my previous Easter post I promised to post about the "Surprise" Disneyland trip. So here it is.
The afternoon of Eater Sunday we loaded up in the cars and headed to the happiest place on earth. After a 9 hour drive in traffic we finally arrived at our hotel and after 45 minutes finally go checked in. What a joke! We had 4 day park hopper passes so we went to Disneyland Monday-Thursday. It was super busy due to Spring Break. We now know why we always go at not so busy times. We had a total of 12 kids and 7 adults so it was a little chaotic and trying to keep everyone happy was quite the challenge. But most importantly the kids had a blast. By the end of the trip we were all ready to be home in our own beds with a little peace and quiet.
Kyson and Daddy on the Teacups.
Tegan, Kennidee, Shyanne and DawsonKim, Me, Kori and Mom
My cute little Family
Grandma with all the Grandkids
Jason being his Grumpy SelfMe and my cute kiddos
Dad and Dawson on the Screamin'
Kennidee and her Grandma (She loves her Grandma)
Kim, Kori and I with Mom.
Posted by Kacy at 10:34 PM 3 Wise Cracks