Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hinder Concert

This last weekend I was able to go down to St. George and see Hinder in concert. I was so excited to spend a few days with Kori. Kennidee and I left on Thursday to go down. We had lots of fun shopping, going to dinner, dying hair and going to the concert. I really like Hinder however since I always buy edited CD's I did not realize how much swearing is in their music and not only that but when they would just talk to the crowd they swore soooo much. I had alot of fun with Kori and her friend Lisa however I do think that I would not be purchasing tickets to their concert again anytime soon.

Kori and Me at the concert!

Kori, Me and Lisa!

Kori yelling at everyone walking down the stairs. WooHoo!

The Drummer for Hinder. Nice Hair

The lead singer for Hinder

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