Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I got tagged again!

6 Random things about me!
I am not really sure who to tag on this either cause I think I was tagged on this before and never got around to doing it. So I am going to tag Megan, Niki, Erin, Cara and anyone else that wants to. If you have already done it and I tagged you then sorry.

Random fact #1- I am so totally terrified of any kind of spiders, snakes or rodents. This is seriously retarded but I don't like even smashing spiders with my own shoes. Luckily we have our house sprayed and I dont see tons of spiders and have never had any rodents. knock on wood!

Random fact #2- I am kind of a perfectionist I go nuts when things are not done correctly. Things have to be done in the order that I do them and done the way I do or I go crazy. Dawson has inherited this "not so" wonderful quality from me. If he messes up on something he throws a fit and sometimes breaks or throws away whatever he messed up on.

Random fact #3- I absolutely hate folding laundry. I will wash it but I put off folding it for as long as I possibly can.

Random fact #4- I love having people over to my house for dinner, games or whatever. People are always welcome. When I build a house I want a huge kitchen and dining room so that I can have Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas, birthday parties or just get together with friends and family at my house. I seriously love hosting things. Maybe it is cause I love to cook too.

Random fact #5- I have to be multi-tasking. I can't just be doing one thing at a time. If I am cleaning the house then I am on the phone, If I am watching TV I have to be on the computer too. I get seriously bored if I am only doing one thing. I think that is why I loved working at Kiddie Kandids so much. It kept me entertained and busy.

Random fact #6- I absolutely love to sing. I love singing Karaoke or just sing to the radio. I love singing at church too but for some reason I am too chicken to join the choir. I sing all the time with the kids around the house and we rock out in the car together. I am not saying that I am good but I absolutely love it! Dawson and Kennidee love singing too. I can't wait til Kyson can sing with us too.

3 Wise Cracks:

Melissa said...

I also hate folding laundry but I hate it more when I have to search though baskets to find clothes. Someone should invent a folding and putting away machine.

I am so glad you love to host and have people over. I feel like I don't ever have time and I don't really like to cook but it makes it easier for us to see you guys if one of us does it. BTW you are a great cook and we totally love coming over.

As far as multi-tasking I am the same way. Maybe we have a little ADD or something.

Fun post- I like learning new things about people.

Brittany said...

It's too bad I don't live closer, or I would totally be over to fold you laundry ALL THE TIME!! I love it - I could fold laundry all day! Always fun to get to know more about people - especially blogging friends!!

Amy C. said...

I learned a lot about you. I love how great you are at keeping up on events and such on your blog.