Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Need a Plumber?

***Warning the material contained in this post may not be suitable for all ages.
**Those that have weak stomachs might not want to read this post. Pictures are very graphic!**** You have been warned!

Okay so what do you do when your sink looks like this?

Our sink has been clogged for a few months now. It has slowly been getting worse and worse. Well on Sunday I was getting so frustrated because you could not even have the water on for a few seconds without it filling up. Then when you turn the water off it would take a few minutes to drain. So I asked Jason to fix it. Well he informed me that a few weeks ago he put some Drano in it. Well obviously that did not work cause I had not even noticed. So I told him that the pipes needed to be pulled apart under the sink and cleaned out. He just shrugged me off! Anyone who knows Jason knows that is not his idea of fun. Well we now can add a plumber to the list of things that I am. So now I am a maid, cook, taxi, electrician, receptionist, accounts payable, Doctor, Nurse, painter, counselor, interior decorator and plumber. Anyway enough of my tantrum. So tonight when I went in to brush my teeth and the sink was almost over flowing within a few seconds I decided that it was time to step in. So I got under the sink and pulled off the pipes. I cleaned them out and put them back on.

It was still clogged so I pulled out the pipe that goes into the wall. I cleaned that out and it was still clogged. So I went outside and found a stick (I was not using anything out of my house to go up into those pipes). I used the stick to try and clean out the pipe that is connected to the sink and then the one that is in the wall. Well I kept hitting something in the pipe. So I made this little contraption below.

Well I was scooping stuff out of the drain. Nasty, nasty stuff. The water was disgusting. If you look closely at the picture then you can see black stuff at the bottom that was like tar.

I was still not getting all of the crap so I finally stuck the stick into the pipe in the wall and twisted it over and over again. Finally I pulled out this.

What the crap is that? Seriously! It has got to be some nasty build up. I wanted to seriously vomit. But hey it is clean now and it drains. Kudos to Plumber Kacy!

Now for the serious complaining. So the whole hour that I am digging in the sink, going in and out of the house to wash pipes and find sticks, while every light in the stinking house is on, Where do you think Jason is? In the next room pretending to be asleep. As soon as I was finished and came to start posting this he went into the bathroom and did not even acknowledge me. Gee honey hope you got a good nights rest! Don't worry I left the bowl of nasty water with tar and other crap for you to go dump. Didn't want you to miss out on all of the fun.

5 Wise Cracks:

Brittany said...

Yucky! Go Kacy!!

Lacey said...

YIKES! Way to go. I had to use the good old Drain O a few weeks ago. But it worked for me. Mine must not have been that gross. Isn't it nice having your own house to deal with.

Nicole S. said...

That is the such a funny story. I can't believe the things you do sometimes. You are so talented.

April said...

That is just wrong. Yet, another reason I married a plumber....he gets to do all that nasty stuff!!!

Melissa said...

That is so disgusting. Next time my toilet gets plugged up I am calling you. Way to go though. I can't say that I would even attempt to try to take pipes apart and probably would have thrown up if I pulled whatever that was out of the sink.