A few weeks ago Dawson came home from a football game and was all excited cause he FINALLY had two loose teeth. Sunday at church during the primary program he kept wiggling them over and over again until they hurt. When he went to the dentist a few days later they said they were ready to come out at any time. Now I love, love pulling out kids teeth. My nieces and nephews would come over all the time just to have me pull their teeth. It is funny though when it comes to your own child it is a little harder to do. Finally I got up the nerve to do it and convinced Dawson to let me do it. I got the first one out and he was laughing until he went in the bathroom and saw the blood. He then refused to let me pull the other one. Finally after bribing him with McDonalds he let me. The second one bled a little more and so he was not happy. At 3:00 in the morning he came running into our room to tell us that the tooth fairy came and brought him 7 dollars. On Friday he took his toothfairy money and his money that he earned and bought a Webkin.
Friday, November 21, 2008
All I want for Christmas is my two front (bottom) teeth
Posted by Kacy at 11:12 AM 5 Wise Cracks
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Bad word Socks!
Okay so for about a week now Jason has been reminding me quite frequently that I needed to post a certain funny Kennidee story. Well I have been putting it off due to the fact that it is only funny because of my imperfections. But here it is anyway.
So a few weeks ago I was folding and putting away Kennidee's clothes in her room. She came in and was entertaining/bugging me while I was trying to hurry before the Tornado (Kyson) came in and unfolded everything and pull everything out of drawers. Well I handed Kennidee her socks and asked her to put them in the drawer. I then handed her to socks that were missing their match and asked her to set them right inside of the drawer so that we could find them when the other one surfaced. She takes the socks and sets them on the edge of the drawer so they are half way out and closes the drawer. Our conversation was as follows (Keep in mind we are both stubborn and our way is always the right way)
Mom: Kennidee put the sock all the way in the drawer.
Kennidee: No Mom it needs to be out like this
Mom: No Kennidee is doesn't need to be out like that
Kennidee: Yes it does. That way we can see it when we find the other one
Mom: Kennidee please just put the sock in the drawer right in front and then we can find it easy
Kennidee: No it needs to be like this
Mom: Kennidee just put in all the way in the drawer
Kennidee: I want it like this
Mom: KENNIDEE! Put the sock in the drawer. (Mom getting frustrated now and Tornado heading in the room)
Kennidee: Mom I want it like this. Then we can see it.
Mom: KENNIDEE, Just put the damn sock in the drawer.
Kennidee: Mom it is not a damn sock.
Mom: Kennidee don't say that word it is a bad word. (Hello Hypocrite)
Kennidee: I just said damn
Mom: Kennidee, That is a bad word. Mommy shoudn't have said it. If I hear you say it again then I am going to put soap in your mouth.
Kennidee: Okay Mom it isn't a BAD WORD sock.
Posted by Kacy at 11:01 PM 11 Wise Cracks
Disney On Ice!!!
On November 14 we took the kids to the Disney on Ice. Jason's Mom has always taken Kennidee and Dawson but this time we decided to go with her and the kids. It was probably one of the better Disney on Ice shows that we have been too. Dawson and Kennidee loved it and had alot of fun. Kyson was a little busy boy and wouldn't hold still, but he loved pigging out on popcorn. After we went to Hires with Grandma and Papa. It was a fun night for the kids.
Kennidee working the camera.
Posted by Kacy at 11:32 AM 0 Wise Cracks
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Me & My Girlfriend
This morning I (Jason) had to run to the bank, Kennidee wanted to go with me, so off we went. Well, as any of you with kids know, you can't leave the drive through without getting a sucker for your kids. So I tell the teller "Can I get a sucker for my daughter", Kennidee yells at me "I'm not your daughter", so I ask her what she is, and she says very matter-of-factly... "I'm your girlfriend".
We got a good laugh out of that one.
Kacy has a few Kennidee stories too from this week, she won't let me post them though because she thinks I'll tell it wrong... so hopefully she will post them soon :)
So here you have it... a picture of me and my girlfriend!
Posted by Jason at 6:10 PM 5 Wise Cracks
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
It is Official! Jason is an old Man!
Yes this is another super late post. On November 2 Jason turned 30. Well since he is older then me for 3 months I decided it would be fun to plan a party. Since we really did not have room at the house and it was suppose to be a surprise. Well he ended up finding out. So that just meant that he had to help get things ready. Well I had reserved a projector and was going to broadcast the BYU game but since there was no internet we had to settle for Rock Band on the Wii. It was super fun though. We had pizza and other munchies and of course cake. Thanks to everyone that came. We had a good time.
The old Man himself!!! Happy 30th Birthday! Hope you had fun!
So one of my friends had told me that they take their kids to the dollar store and let them pick whatever they want for the other parent for their birthday present. So while I was out running around getting things ready for the party we had to go by the dollar store and so I let Kennidee pick something for Jason. She wondered around for a little while and kept going back the the toothbrushes before she finally picked this out for Jason. She had also picked out toothpaste. It somehow got lost between the store, home and the party though. She was so proud of herself. Is she trying to tell her Daddy something? LOL.
Posted by Kacy at 9:45 PM 10 Wise Cracks
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Carving Pumpkins and Halloween!
So I am super late with this post. It has been a super crazy week. Jason was out of town and I went back to work at Kiddie Kandids for the Christmas season. Yes, I am fully aware that I am crazy. But I missed it tons and needed a break. There is nothing better then a job that you can pretty much make your own schedule and have no obligations then to do your job and go home.
So Anyway the Thursday before Halloween Kennidee had a little program at school. It was super cute. They sang some halloween songs and did a parade. I loved it. Kennidee also was singing as loud as she could so that I could hear her. She tried to really get into it. I am so grateful for video cameras to save all these memories.
When I took the kids to Cornbelly's on Wednesday I let them pick out pumpkins and the next day I decided to take on carving with the kids. Now this is sooooo not generally my thing, I am not very good at it, but with Jason gone and the old pumpkins rotten I decided that they needed fresh ones for Halloween day. The kids got to pick what pattern they wanted. Dawson picked an easy one but Kennidee had to pick a challenging one. I finally finished at midnight. Gotta love it. They turned out great though.Kennidee and Dawson cleaning out Dawson's pumpkin
Kennidee cleaning out hers.
We were glad Grandma was here to help clean them out too!
Grandma trying to feed Kennidee the brains of the pumpkin (That is what Kennidee told us they were)Kennidee's Tinkerbell Pumpkin
Dawson's Mike Wazowski Pumpkin from Monster's Inc.
On Halloween we went to Dawson's school parade at the Elementary school. It is always fun to see all the kids in their cute costumes. It is always very fun to see the older kids and their clever ideas for costumes.Mr. Dash Incredible
I really don't know what he is suppose to be but this is my Nephew Austin
And this is my nephew Kaden. He was a vampire. He tried to say he is Edward but not quite.
After the parade I went and helped with Dawson's class party. I love being able to go and help out with the parties. I don't know what I am going to do once I have two kids in school next year. I am going to have to clone myself so I can be at both classes.
Jason got home after that and we headed to his work for trick or treating. Then we hit main street and then went to our ward Trunk or Treat. It was such a fun day but I swear we were running no stop. Kyson did not even get his nap and he was such a trooper. It was amazing how many other families dressed up as the incredibles. We also had a few people that thought it was such a cute idea that they took pictures with us. I am so glad that Jason came up with such a fun idea. If you need Halloween costumes the week after Halloween on Disney website is the best. You can get them super cheap. We have ours for next year already. I am super excited. However Dawson is getting too old and doesn't want to be part of our fun. So we still have to find something for the kids. Can't wait til next year.
Here is all of us at our Ward Trunk or Treat. How incredibly cute and original are we?
This is a picture of us with our Friends Ray and Mo and their incredible family as well. I thought it was fun that we were all the same.
(So Krystal, I think that the other five families that were dressed like that must have copied you as well. Apparently nobody get original ideas but you).
Posted by Kacy at 9:49 PM 10 Wise Cracks