Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Viva Las Vegas

After missing last year's Vegas Bowl, I decided I would head down again this year. Kacy had to work so I decided I would take the kids. Dawson went with me in 2005 and still talks about some of the things we saw down there, so I thought it would be a good time for me and the kids to make some memories and hopefully watch the Cougars beat Arizona... Well BYU played an unemotional game and lost (Please Santa bring them a good secondary and a new offensive coordinator would be a great gift as well). But that didn't ruin the night, the kids had a great time (we wont talk about the last hour of the drive down... left at 6 in the morning on Saturday, or the car ride home on Sunday afternoon). We saw the new Volcano at the Mirage (Kennidee was a bit scared), then we walked to the Bellagio and saw the fountains. Dawson kept saying he didn't want to see any stupid fountains but then he saw them and loved it. They finally got back to the hotel around midnight (1am Utah time) and were exhausted. They crashed and slept great until around 9:00 (10 utah time).

Funny Kennidee story... we got a room at the Riviera for $29, gotta love the rates the week before Christmas! We walked into the Casino to find our way to the hotel check in, Kennidee immediately runs to a slot machine and pulls the handle, I explain to her that you have to be older to play these games, she asks how old, so I tell her 21. She then declares, as only Kennidee can... "When I'm 21 I'm SO going to play these games". LOL

So even though BYU lost, it was still a fun weekend for Daddy, Dawson and Kennidee.

2 Wise Cracks:

Nicole S. said...

Wow I can't believe that you took the kids all by yourself! Paul would never unless they were much older.

Lacey said...

What a good Daddy you kids have!!!