Sunday, July 6, 2008

A night out with Friends

Yum Yum are you hungry?

Our friends Jesse and Wyatt just moved back from Arizona and after Kennidee's party we hired two of the neighbor kids to take on 6 kids while we were gone. Scary I know but they did a super good job. So off we went to Outback. Jesse decided that I should take my camera with us. So I did! Jason and Wyatt were so excited about that. When Jesse and I get together we get really goofy. That is okay though. It is good once in awhile. Jason said it was only funny for a while and then we needed to go back to high school. But oh well. They even threatened to make us find our own way home. Then they realized we would and took it back. It was so fun though. I have not laughed so hard in a long time. Our dinner was good. My prime rib was a little over done though so I was bummed. I am so not one to send it back. I wish I would have though. I don't know if our husbands will let us go out again but I hope they do. It was fun! After dinner we went by Home Depot and bought a new fan for our kitchen. So Wyatt was nice enough to hang it for us. We also bought a new doorbell, it is wireless and plays 70 songs. Can't wait to hook it up. Then it was time to break out the game Ticket to Ride. Wyatt cheats but still lost!
(Note to Wyatt: You may have won on Sunday, but you lost on Saturday. You suck! Just deal with it. I love you anyway)

Me being goofy but Jason loves me!

2 Wise Cracks:

Me said...

That was FUN!! WE need to go again!!LUVYAZZZZ

Melissa said...

I think you had way too much fun with your camera. Are you sure you weren't drinking? LOL