Saturday, July 5, 2008

Rock on 80's

So a few months back I found out Poison was coming in concert. For those that don't know who Poison is, I am sorry! I wanted to go way bad but had just bought my Tim Mcgraw tickets and really couldn't afford those too. I had been to 3 of their other concerts before. So on Tuesday Jason informs me that someone at one of the radio stations owed him a favor and he had emailed him to see if he could get me Poison tickets and had received an email saying that there were 4 tickets at will call for him. I was so excited!!! The seats were actually pretty good (especially for free). So my sister Kori had wanted to go as well so I called her and told her I had tickets and asked if she could be up here Thursday instead of Friday. She was excited too. So on Thursday Kori, Lisa, Jesse and I all headed off to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and then off to the Poison show. The opening band was Dokken and I only really know a few of their songs but Poison was really good. There were all sorts of crazy people there. People with big long haired wigs, bright cowboy hats and people totally from the 80's complete with bandannas and all. We even got some pictures with some of the crazy people at the concert. It was so fun to go with Kori and our friends. Kori and I always have so much fun together. I am glad we got to go and have a great time. Thanks Jason!

2 Wise Cracks:

Melissa said...

Jason is so nice to get those for you. What a great guy. I'm glad you had fun.

Me said...

THAT WAS SOOOO FUNN!!!I love the slideshow! WE need more times-It's all for the BLOG!