Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Guess who is finally walking?

Our little Kyson finally decided that he wanted to walk. He started crawling before he was even six months so we thought for sure he would walk early. Reality was he had not need to. Dawson would carry him everywhere. While we were in Hawaii Kyson learned how to go down the stairs. Dawson was gone for 1 1/2 weeks and Kyson had no one to carry him so he decided it was time. He went from crawling to walking everywhere in about two weeks. It is crazy how fast they learn things. Now he thinks he has to try and walk downstairs too. He has fallen down them a couple times already. I love to watch babies walk. They are such little people and they always look so funny. So enjoy our cute video of our big boy. He is so excited.

5 Wise Cracks:

Lacey said...

Oh that is great, the walking part not the falling. Now you know what comes next right? The running.

Nikki said...

Wow! He is walking so wello.

Nicole S. said...

So you only think you are happy to have him walking. lol It is fun to have our babies do new things.

April said...

He sure is growing up fast. They walk so cute when they are little!!

Melissa said...

He is so cute. I love how they look all off balance and like they are having the time of their life.