Friday, August 1, 2008

Out with the old... in with the older

So I've wanted a certain car for the past 2 years. The local lot where we got the Toyota got one in over the weekend. I went and test drove it on Saturday and fell in love with it. He had a few small dents to pop out, needed to get a mechanic to inspect it, and get a new windshield, so I told him to hold it for me. So I went to Milwaukee on Sunday and got back at 4:45 on Wednesday. I hauled butt down to Lehi to get there before the lot closed. He told me he had held it, but could have sold it 6 times during the week, everyone wanted my car! Well, I ended up buying it.

So this week I said goodbye to my 06 Hyundai (which I never really liked much, and Kacy hated, except for the lingering scent of Mary Jane from the prior owner that we could never get rid of)

And let me introduce you to this beauty! I've had my eyes on one of these for so long! It is freaking sweet!

OK JUST KIDDING! I had to post something funny, because my mother found out we bought a new car and was asking about it 18 hours after we bought it. Gotta love the family gossip mill! My cousin Rusty knew I bought it because I was texting him, he tells his wife, she sees my sister's car at her mother in law's swimming pool, stops and tells her, and within 18 hours the wild fire has spread.

Anyhow, here's the real car. It's a 2004 Mazda 6. I've been wanting one of these for the past 2 years, but they were so new that they weren't in my price range. Got a great deal on it and Steve @ Dealerworld (we'll post about how cool he and his company are in a later post) he gave us a sweet deal on our trade in. So it's an older car, but I like it much more! It will fit all our kids in the back (the Hyundai wouldnt fit 2 boosters and a car seat). It should get close to the same gas mileage as the Hyundai. LOVE IT! Thanks to my wonderful wife for letting me buy it!

2 Wise Cracks:

Deana Phlegar said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!
You crack me up!, Although I drove a rockin Gremlin in the 80's!!!!!
I am so jealous you got to go to the
Osmonds, they are my dream family, I always wanted to be an Osmond or Marry and Osmond!!!! That did not happen!! I did see it on BYU it was so cute at the end, I cried!!!!
Had fun at BUNKO, Crazy ladies!

Kristen said...

Gee thanks for making me sound like the gossip girl. I stopped at the pool to see Sue and give her receipts for your information. I do like the car. It is very nice and black. I like black.