I was just informed by Kennidee that I now look skinny! Wahoo! It is working.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Funny Funny Kids!
Okay so Jason and I are heading to Hawaii in 6 weeks. I can't wait. However all the Moms out there know how bad it stinks when you are still hanging on to those last few "Baby" pounds. So I have been going to the Gym and the "Mighty Scale is not changing so I decided it was time to take a more serious action. I was going to do the Lemonade Diet. But my friend told me about this new Diet called ZXOOM DIET aka LivSkinny So with this Diet you drink 64-80 ounces of water a day mixed with 1 ounce of the LivSkinny. On top of that there are a few other steps. So as I was mixing it up this morning this was my conversation with Kennidee
Kennidee: "Mom What are you making?"
Mom: "A drink to make Mom skinny"
Kennidee: "Why I don't want you skinny"
Mom: "Well it will make Mom feel better"
Kennidee: "Oh"
So after I mix up this green drink and take a drink. Kennidee is giving me this really weird look. So then she finally says to me "Mom you don't look skinny yet!"
(Now is when you all bust up in laughter)
So I am excited to see if this really works. From the testimonials people have had great success. This product is Brand new and hasn't even had its "Official" Launch yet. So we will see. My friend has lost several inches and has only been doing it for a little over two weeks. I don't do the Measurement thing though. It has always been about the mighty scale. I think I may need to try measuring though. So wish me Luck.
*This post is Dedicated to my Dear Friend Lacey who has complained that I have not posted in more then two days. That would be because there really hasn't been anything exciting.**
Posted by Kacy at 11:13 AM 3 Wise Cracks
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Brianna's Dance Recital
So on Friday night My Niece had her end of the year dance recital. My sister had to work so I got to fix up Brianna's hair and do her makeup. I love doing it. It was so fun to get her ready. She looked so pretty.
Since Kennidee will be starting dance next year I thought it would be fun to go and take Kennidee so she could see how fun it is going to be. The Dance studio that Brianna is in is Showcase USA. They are so good. It is a song and dance group and I am so impressed at how well all the groups did. Some of the singers are phenomenal. Kennidee was so cute watching. Her and Talia were dancing around the whole time. I can't wait til next year when I get to go and watch Kennidee. Here are some pictures from the recital. I am so proud at how well My little Nanabug did. I love you Brianna!
Posted by Kacy at 12:02 AM 4 Wise Cracks
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Companies that SUCK!! Part II
Ok well it's time for another installment of "Companies that SUCK!"
This week's sucky company is none other than CRICKET WIRELESS. If any of you are with Cricket, I'll assume the only reason is because they offer UNLIMITED minutes for a very cheap price, and that you never (or rarely) leave your calling area, at least when you would like to have phone service.
So let's have a minute of "story time"... my wife talks on the phone more than ANYONE I know. When she used to pick me up from the airport from my business trips, she'd be on the phone from Lehi, to the airport, pick me up (barely taking time to say HI), and then she'd be on the phone until around the I-215 , I-15 interchange, then she'd tell her friend (USUALLY IT WAS YOU NIKI!!!) "well I just picked up my husband, i'd better tell him hi", gee thanks honey, you picked me up 20 minutes ago!
How obsessed with phone calls is my wife? Well, this picture should sum things up... yes, shortly after GETTING MARRIED, she is on the cell phone (Wait... NIKI, wasn't she calling YOU to find out where the crap you were so you could be in pictures? If I recall correctly, that is who she was calling.) BTW... doesn't she look BEAUTIFUL! Woo woo hottie!
So back to Cricket... due to Kacy's addiction to her telephone, Cricket was the ONLY carrier that we could afford for her, even though they have horrible coverage and drop calls at random, and she can't use it when traveling to St George to see her family. For the better part of 5 years i've listened to her whine about how much she hates Cricket, and have reminded her that there are other options, only to have her remind me that we can't afford the other options. Well we finally found a great deal on a sprint plan with 1250 minutes (plus unlimited nights starting at 7pm and weekends, plus unlimited Sprint to Sprint calls. Since I'm on Sprint and Niki switched, she figured she can live with 1250 minutes a month (mind you this is over TWENTY HOURS! Not including evenings and weekends).
So we call Cricket to cancel, it says "press 1 for spanish or hang on the line for english", well I held on the line, but somehow I got the Asian department, could hardly understand a word they were saying. After getting transferred around, told that we owe them money (for a service that is prepay? Umm, no), told to call other numbers, and wasting a half hour of my life trying to understand someone who is likely a Cricket employee by "day" (night in his country) and a member of Al Queda by night (day in his country). I ask for a supervisor because this guy was worthless and what do you know... his supervisor speaks WORSE english than him! Good heavens! (Or is it praise Allah? I'm not sure at this point. Ha ha!) And I know darn good and well that his name is not "Kevin", they must give all these out sourced people a list of names to pick from, because I would guess if I went to Asia, or wherever the crap these guys are at, the only people named "Kevin" are tourists from America, or military men serving the USA.
So... for those poor souls reading this who are using Cricket... do yourself a favor, and sign up for the Sprint SERO plan or something else. You'll thank yourselves later! And you can even walk into a Sprint store and not be told to take a number, like the times we've had to walk into a Cricket store (aka Little Mexico) for something like buying a new phone. Someone should NOT have to wait an hour to give a company $200 for an overpriced phone. Yet people do it for Cricket. Believe me... if my wife can learn to limit her minutes, ANYONE can!
Posted by Jason at 1:49 PM 3 Wise Cracks
And the Winner Is.....
David Cook! Wahoo!
Okay we love American Idol. That is the one thing Jason and I have always had too watch. We don't miss it. If we do it is on our DVR. This whole season I have been rooting for David Cook and I am so stoked that he won. He so deserved it. I that David Archuleta is good and has talent but overall the best man won. I have never seen Simon excited about a win until tonight. It was great. The thing that cracks me up was I was watching the news and all these people from Utah are saying that Cook won because Simon was hard on him last night. 12 million votes are not sympathy votes. Just face it he deserved to win
So here is the Man! I love him.
Here was Simon's reaction to the Win!
And just a picture from the Red Carpet. These guys are so HOT! They were at the Finale too. Bet I can guess who they were voting for.
Posted by Kacy at 12:03 AM 3 Wise Cracks
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Are we CRAZY?
Okay so my friends cat had a kitten and Kennidee got it in her head that she was getting that kitten. Well she wasn't! Niki is keeping it. Well you would think that Kennidee would just let it drop. She was not. So I had found a kitten on KSL and on Friday we went to look at him. Kennidee liked him and wanted to bring him home. So we purchased litter and food and brought this kitten home. Well he was the cat from @#%^. He would not let us hold him and everytime we went in the bathroom to see him he would hide. He wouldn't eat and if we took him outside he would run right up into the engine of my car. So then at night he would cry and cry and cry. That did not fly with me. So on Sunday I called the lady we got him from and told her that we were going to return him and she could find a family that would be better with him. Kennidee was sad so I went back on KSL and found a little kitten that was younger and more friendly. So now we have little "Bella". She is very playful and purrs at us all the time. She has a much better personality and Kennidee really likes her tons. So for now we are keeping her. Here is our little "Bella"
Posted by Kacy at 10:09 PM 5 Wise Cracks
Thursday, May 15, 2008
New Pictures
Okay so today we went and took pictures of the kids. Oh what an experience. I had been putting it off for several months. Poor Deanna (our Photographer) sure had her work cut out for her. Kyson just thought that there were so many better things to be doing then this. But hey they are done and we are glad. Now we just have to go back in 2 more months for Kyson 1 year and Kennidee 4 year.
Posted by Kacy at 10:53 PM 6 Wise Cracks
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Roxie is coming home!
After spending 2 hours at Target in Orem yesterday (with all 3 kids mind you), only to be told that the bike maker was not coming in after all... Kacy finally proved the perserverance pays off... she is in Orem right now picking up the lovely Roxie!
If you're asking yourself... "who is this Roxie you speak of"... see a few posts down, it even includes a picture of Roxie's sexy curves!
Posted by Jason at 1:45 PM 3 Wise Cracks
Labels: Roxie
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Kyson Finally has A Chomper!
After months of playing Peek-A-Boo it is finally here. Kyson got his 1st tooth. I had checked on Saturday and you couldn't feel it really but then yesterday there it was. I thought for sure he was going to be my toothless baby forever. So to celebrate I am giving him his first Steak dinner tonight. Dawson had his 1st tooth at 6 mths and Kennidee got her 1st at 8 1/2 months. He will be one in a few weeks. I can hardly believe it. He will no long look like a Muppet soon. So here is a big muppet smile for you all too see!
Posted by Kacy at 11:09 AM 2 Wise Cracks
Companies that SUCK
Ok, I have to vent... it appears that Kacy's dear Roxie is not happening, at least not today.
I called every Target within 50 miles of Lehi, their inventory system SUCKS, they kept saying "well try Orem, I show they have 4." I call Orem and they have 0, they say "well we must have had 4 this morning but not now", why their computer still says 4 is beyond me, how hard is it to get a computer system that updates in real time?
So I call the Centerville store, they tell me that they have 2, according to the computer. I explain to the guy that I'm in Lehi and really don't want to get all the way there, to find they really don't have them. So he puts me on hold, then tells me they have one on the floor and one in the back. He says he will hold one for me.
Well, I was a bit suspicious all along, because he sounded like an idiot. So I told Kacy to call them before heading up there... just to be safe.
So she calls this morning... and lo and behold, they say they are out, and that they didn't even have any yesterday.
I love lazy workers who won't do their jobs!
Posted by Jason at 9:39 AM 3 Wise Cracks
Monday, May 12, 2008
Let me introduce you to Roxie
I recently learned that Kacy was breaking the 10th commandment, no she's not coveting thy neighbors wife, she is coveting they neighbors bike. Her friend in our ward, Cara, (see link to her crazy blog on the right) has been driving around the neighborhood flaunting her bike, which she has named Roxie.
Kacy has decided that she wants Roxie! So I searched and searched for Roxie to get Kacy for mother's day (in addition to her tanning pass and iTunes gift cards... can you say SPOILED!! LOL), but alas, Roxie was not to be found anywhere.
Kacy searched and searched and could not find Roxie. Well, I finally found one, however it's clear the freak up in Centerville, and i'm in Louisville this week. So Kacy will get to drive up to Centerville tomorrow to buy Roxie. I'm guessing that the tank of gas to get there and back will cost almost as much as the stinking bike!
Speaking of gas prices... Utahns you don't realize how much cheaper (CRAZY to hear the word cheaper about gas) than elsewhere... in Milwaukee 2 weeks ago it went up 45 cents in 4 days and when I left, the cheap stuff was 3.89, in Louisville this week the cheap stuff is $3.85. ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!
But enough about gas... soon Kacy will have Roxie, and we can go on bike rides, because she bought me a mountain bike for an early Father's day present! (it was the last one at Costco so we had to buy it early).
Anyhow... feast your eyes on Roxie! Although she'll have to come up with another name, as to not completely copy Cara... (except Cara went all out and got a bell and a basket!) Click on Roxie for a bigger picture.
Posted by Jason at 7:41 PM 4 Wise Cracks
Sunday, May 11, 2008
To all of the Moms that love to read our blog or just have nothing better to do!
Posted by Kacy at 12:11 PM 4 Wise Cracks
Friday, May 9, 2008
Kyson eating Limes
So Jason and I went to Red Robin. Well Kyson kept freaking out cause he wanted food. Well our meals had not come out yet so the only thing we had was the limes from our drinks. So we thought it would be funny to give him one or maybe two to eat. Here was the result. We are so mean! There are two videos.
Posted by Kacy at 8:48 PM 4 Wise Cracks
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Don't ya love the new look?
Just had to be the first to comment on the hot new look of our blog! GO KACY!
Posted by Jason at 10:38 PM 5 Wise Cracks
What was the #1 Song the day you were born?
Okay so I was stalking Cara's blog and came across this link here when you go to it and put in your birthdate it tells you what the #1 song was when you were born. I thought it was kind of fun.
So Here is my song for when I was born. So appropriate. I use to sing this song all the time just to bug people. That is what I do best ya know!
And here is Jason's Birthday song. So sweet. Now everytime I rock out to my Anne Murray CD it will remind me of the day he was born.
I hope you seriously know I am kidding about the Cd. Sorry Anne Murray fans I am not a fan.
Posted by Kacy at 7:10 PM 2 Wise Cracks
What Spice are You?
I stole this off of a friends Blog. This is probably is pretty accurate! Whats your spice?
You Are Cayenne Pepper |
![]() You are very over the top and a bit overwhelming. You have a fiery personality, and you can give anyone a good jolt. You can easily take things up a couple notches, no matter what crowd you're running with. |
Posted by Kacy at 6:06 PM 3 Wise Cracks
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
My Night Out
So today I finally got a night out away from kids. We love it! Anyway I went to the Movie with my friend Niki. Well we were suppose to meet at 6:00 in Orem and Niki's husband decided not to come home from work ontime. Yes, He is still alive I think. Anyway we were suppose to go to dinner but did not have time. While I was waiting for Niki I decided to go and drive around the neighborhood that I grew up in. Oh the memories. I first drove down this road a couple streets down from ours. Well my former Bishop wa outside so I stopped and visited with him for a while. It was good to see him. We were talking about back in the day and a really funny story that happened before he was our Bishop and before he was even in our ward. Here is the story. It is kind of funny I need to share it. Well when I was in 1st grade I was riding my bike down to the Fruit stand on the corner to get candy with my sister. Well when we were on our way back we were crossing a road that we had the right away on. And this car was coming towards us but we could not see a driver. Well he had a stop sign so we just crossed anyway. All of the sudden this car hits my cute banana seat bike with me and my sister on it. So I was crying and he offers to give me a ride home. Of course I was trying to take him up on the ride. C'mon I was hurt. My sister told me no and we continued to walk home. He followed us home and told our dad that he had hit us. When our ward boundaries changed and he was put in it was really funny. So now we will never forget getting ran over by the Bishop. LOL
So after that visit Niki still could not leave so I drove by my old house and my neighbor was out working in her yard. So I decided to stop and talk to her. She is such a wonderful nice lady. She has been through alot and still has such a positive attitude on life. I wish more people could be like that including myself. It was so fun seeing her and catching up on her family and how they are doing. We were good friends with her kids growing up. I miss the childhood friendships that you seem to lose as you get old.
So finally we went and saw the movie Maid of Honor. If you have not seen it I highly recommend it. It was so funny. You are laughing one second and the next not sure if you should cry or not. But it is an awesome movie. I will totally have to buy it when it comes out.
Posted by Kacy at 10:50 PM 2 Wise Cracks
Where's Dawson?
So yesterday I went downstairs before work to wakeup Dawson. He must be a very active sleeper, because almost every morning when we go downstairs, his entire bedding is on the floor (sheet, blankets, comforter), he typically has 1/2 of a blanket covering him, the rest is on the floor.
So back to yesterday... I went downstairs, and the best way to sum up what I saw is by showing you the picture I took with my phone. See if you can spot Dawson in the picture. You'll also notice all of his Webkinz in the corner of his bed, untouched. LOL. You should be able to click on the picture to see it bigger.
Posted by Jason at 9:17 AM 3 Wise Cracks
Monday, May 5, 2008
5 years ago today
So here's the story... 5 years ago in February we had started dating again (after I scared her away the first time). While we were not dating, I had decided I was going on a single's cruise in May. Well by the time the cruise came around, we were dating again and had decided that we were going to get married.
We had gone out ring shopping and found one. So while I'm en route to Houston, Kacy calls and says that the guy at the other store will give us a better deal with the same Diamond we had picked out. So the jeweler calls me and we get it financed. So while I'm on the cruise, I'm trying to figure out a way to propose to her. I thought about spelling out "will you marry me" on the beach and taking pictures, but that wasn't working too well.
So we thought of taking this picture, then on Cozumel I bought a frame to put the picture in.
When I got back to SLC, I told Kacy that I called the jeweler and the ring would not be ready until the next day. Meanwhile I ran to the mall and picked up the ring, then got the photo printed out, I put it in the frame and wrapped it back up in the newspaper they wrapped it with in Mexico.
I headed to Kacy's apartment and gave her the picture, then got the ring out, got down on one knee and proposed (while little Dawson was climbing all over me as he was excited to see me again).
Long story short... she said YES!
Posted by Jason at 9:33 AM 3 Wise Cracks
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Kids Say the funniest things
So today Jason let me totally sleep in. Yes It was great and well needed after the week I had. On top of the horrible week I am sick. Gotta love it! Anyway so I finally decide to get moving. So Jason had ran to the store and Kyson was asleep. Well Kennidee was outside with her new friend Morgan. So I decided to hurry and jump in the shower. Well since I was the only one home I did not think to close the bedroom door while I was getting dressed. So here I am standing in my closet trying to reach my capris in the top of the closet in my garments and a bra and in walks Kennidee with Morgan. I did not want to scream at them so I calmly just told them they needed to go outside. I explained to them that I was trying to get dressed and they needed to go out. So her friend Morgan turns to me and says "Why you already look good." I about died. Luckily Kennidee decided to escort her friend to the front room and our of my room.
So later today Kennidee is outside playing with her friend Hunter and she comes in and asks for a piece of licorice for her and Hunter. Well being the cool Mom that I am I decided to send a cookie out for her and Hunter with a piece of licorice too. Well within a few minutes Morgan comes walking in the house and here is our conversation.
Morgan: "Excuse me, Could I please have a cookie and a piece of licorice"
Me: "Sure you may have a piece of licorice and a cookie"
Morgan: "Oh, Thanks you are such a Sweetie"
Me: "Thanks"
Morgan: "Oh and your hot too"
Me: "Oh well you can have the whole Bag"
I totally thought it was the funniest thing ever. After she walked out I bust up laughing. Here is a picture with her friend Morgan who just made my day. Oh and by the way I did not really give her the whole bag of licorice.
Posted by Kacy at 9:24 PM 2 Wise Cracks