Thursday, June 26, 2008

Attention guys whose wive's are addicted to "vampire love books" (AKA Twilight)

Ok so my wife (as MANY WIVES) is totally obsessed with Twilight... I found a hilarious blog which may help many of you understand what goes on in the books.

There is some HILARIOUS tips in there for how to relate with your wife... I will include a few of them below, go to the link for more of them.

-If she thinks that you drive too recklessly: "Honey, please trust me as much as Bella trusted Edward when he had to break all known traffic laws to get her out of Forks and away from Victoria. If he can drive Bella's pickup truck that recklessly, then I should be able to steer with my knees while texting with my right hand and using my left hand to hold my Slurpee."

-If she ever says on a very warm day, "I feel so hot right now" you should respond with, "My body always feels hot to the touch....kind of like Jacob's." You can then raise your eyebrows like Magnum P.I., flex your pecks, and put your arm around her.

-If she ever says on a very cold day, "I feel so cold right now" you should respond with, "My body always feels cold to the touch....kind of like Edward's." You can then raise your eyebrows like Magnum P.I., flex your pecks, and put your arm around her.

Now I will admit that I started reading the books, in order to have something to talk about with Kacy. I just finished the 2nd book (WAITING ON HER TO FINISH THE THIRD SO I CAN START IT! HINT HINT), it has some good parts, like vampires and werewolves... thus far the love story is nothing TOO PATHETICLY DISGUSTING, just consider it the literate equivalent of a chick flick.

Anyhow, enjoy the blog!

5 Wise Cracks:

Meg said...

OK that is completely hilarious. I've read the series and I like them but I don't think I can call them "life-changing" like many others do. Anyhow, I got a good laugh out of the blog, so thanks for posting!

Nicole S. said...

That is a funny blog, and he is smart to post those tips with the ladies. I'm sure some of them would work on me if Paul used them.

Melissa said...

So I had to call Tyler in to read this blog because it was hilarious. Tyler says "You can't get much more gay than posting about Twilight books on your blog." (and that's coming from a house-husband) I think it's funny that you are reading them but more funny that you admit it. Maybe you could come to our book club sometime. LOL

The Normal Mormon Husband said...

Hey, thanks for the link to my blog ( I'm glad you like it. I saw that a few people were referred to my blog from yours, so I thought I'd check yours out.

Actually, my comment is for Melissa. Please tell Tyler that I take umbrage at the "gay" comment. When Tyler gets done vacuuming the house, please point him to my March "Hoops Heaven" post and my January "In Defense of Fantasy Football" post. I'm all man, baby!


Melissa said...

Our comment was meant more for Jason as a joke because Tyler rolls his eyes whenever I talk about the books. No offense towards anyone.

We are still planning on going to Pineview Resivoir tomorrow morning so we will see you guys tomorrow night. Kacy, let me know what time and what we can bring. We will bring anything.