Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Holy Heck, He ate a smurf

So we had a family birthday party for Kyson and it was so fun. We decided that since it was suppose to be warm. Well about an hour before his party it started raining. Fortunately it stopped in time to do his party. So the kids played on the swings and stuff and then we let Kyson open his presents. He was not too excited to unwrap them. He got some really fun stuff. Then it was time to break out the cake and Ice Cream. For the kids 1st birthdays they always get their own birthday cake. Kyson was so funny with his. When we first gave it to him he was sitting on a blanket. He crawled through it a few times and then Kim arrived with the booster chair. We locked him up and gave him his cake. He would not have anything he pushed it away several times. I finally decided it was time for him to dig in and I grabbed his hands and shoved them into the cake. That mad him mad. We finally all gave up and walked away and he decided it was time to eat now that there was no audience. We got some really cute pictures and a really cute video (Too long to post though) I still can't believe he is one. Hope you enjoy the photos.

5 Wise Cracks:

Melissa said...

Those pictures were so cute. I bet cleaning him up was fun.

Lacey said...

How fun! I still remember Kylee's 1st B-day, it was almost 8 years ago. I can't believe how fast they grow up!

Brittany said...

That blue face is too cute!

Nicole S. said...

I love the pictures! He was so funny to watch with the cake. I love the picture of Kennidee with her shoes on wrong, that is so Truston.

The Oldroyd's said...

That is a cute picture with the blue mouth.