Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pretty Bird, Pretty Bird!

So I was over at my sisters house today and I hear my niece Talia come in and say that she found two birds at my house. I was downstairs and really wasn't paying attention to it. So Austin (my nephew) comes down and says she has them in a beanie hat. Well a few minutes later I go to leave and she wants to show me her birds. She had put them under a tree in the neighbors yard. So she walks up to me with one of them. So proud of herself.

So here is Talia with one of her birds. Oh and yes he is dead! Gross! She killed it and was now carrying it around. I finally convinced her that it needed to go to the garbage. The other one was still alive but I am sure it will be dead soon. Now I just hope she washed her hands before she went and had her hands all over the cookies at my sisters house from the home teachers.

3 Wise Cracks:

Nicole S. said...

That reminds me of Dumb and Dumber with that blind kid holding the dead bird, "Pretty bird".

Melissa said...

Wow your blog today is full of gross things although this is way grosser than the toothbrush.

Brittany said...

That is so gross!! Little girls don't do that, do they?