Friday, June 13, 2008

Tag Again!

Here's some things about me:

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Dating!
2. Working at Kiddie Kandids
3. Living in Salt Lake
4. Trying to figure out life
5. Having Fun!

5 things on my to do list:
1. Clean my house
2. Work out
3. Do Laundry
4. Get some sleep
5. Finish Fathers day gift for Father in law

favorite snacks/food:

1. Peanut butter M&M's
2. Chips and salsa
3. Cookies (Homeade)
4. My homeade chocolate cake
5. Homeade bread

5 Things I would do if I was a billionaire:

1. Buy a nice house with a guest house
2. Shopping, shopping and more shopping
3. Go to Law school
4. Travel
5. Help my family, friends and less fortunate.

5 bad habits:

1. I say what I think too much. Even when it is not wanted
2. I am so with Brittany on this one. I am always running on empty in my car
3. procrastination
4. Sleeping in
5. Not completing projects

5 places I have lived:

1. Orem UT
2. Taylorsville UT
3. Murray UT
4. Lehi UT
5. Rose Park UT (Was only renting for a short time)

5 people I tag:

1. Melissa
2. Niki
3. Kati
4. Michelle
5. Laurie

2 Wise Cracks:

Melissa said...

I've actually done both those tags you posted already. So even though we are going camping on the 20 and 21st we will be back in time to do a BBQ with you if you want to on the 21st around 6. I have to work on the 27th but the 28th would work too if that is better for you guys. Do you want to do it at your house? Jason had mentioned it so we could play Wii but I'm game for anything. Let me know when and what we should make. So excited to meet you. Kinsey loves coming to your house. All the new toys are fun for her to discover. And thanks to Jason, Tyle wants a Wii now (thanks alot j/k). Hope to see ya soon.-Melissa

Brittany said...

I swear I checked to see if you had been tagged in awhile - and look! You get it twice! Thanks for playing! Loved all the fun info!